Setting up Subversion and WebSVN

I always wanted to learn how to set up a version control system, especially SVN since everybody tend to move to that system.

This howto will illustrate a way to install and configure Subversion and websvn on a Debian server with the following features:

  • multiple repository Subversion
  • access to the repositories via WebDAV (https, https) and ssh
  • Linux system account access control and/or Apache level access control
  • a secured websvn (php web application for easy code browsing)
  • configured syntax coloring in websvn with gnu enscript

Read the full article at

This guide was written for a Debian system, so package names may differ from Fedora, but it’s a good read. Also, make sure you do not miss the excellent online book Version Control with Subversion, which contains extensive information about SVN.

Setting up Subversion and WebSVN by George Notaras is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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