Tag Archives: Snippet

Creating Screencasts under Linux

You all probably know what a screencast is. In my opinion, screencasts can greatly complement HOWTO documents and I strongly believe that they will be even more popular in the upcoming years. Although it would be more useful if this post dealt with how to create a screencast using free open-source software, I feel it…

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Dictionary Lookups Anywhere

I consider ditionaries, either in printed or electronic form, as one of the most useful sources of valuable information and an indispensable companion when reading. Lately, I’ve been reading lots of stuff, which involved scientific terminology in the English language, so it was very often required to lookup words on various online dictionaries. I did…

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Creating An RSS 2.0 Feed Using cElementTree

I’ve made some progress with the cElementTree Python module. After reading the available documentation and the RSS 2.0 specification, I was able to write a very simplistic RSS 2.0 feed generator in order to demonstrate the usage of this module. There is no such example in the documentation, so this might be useful to someone.