Author Archives: George Notaras

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About George Notaras

George Notaras is the editor of the G-Loaded Journal, a technical blog about Free and Open-Source Software. George, among other things, is an enthusiast self-taught GNU/Linux system administrator. He has created this web site to share the IT knowledge and experience he has gained over the years with other people. George primarily uses CentOS and Fedora. He has also developed some open-source software projects in his spare time.

A Useful Script

While browsing the archives of Raphael Slinckx’ blog, among other very interesting things, I came across a post about a Python script of his, which uploads a text file on the on-line pastebin. A neat script like this proves to be extremely useful sometimes.

Troubleshooting with strace

Another great write-up by Ravi, in which he explains the usage of strace by resolving a common issue with Totem not being able to play encrypted DVDs. Ravi writes in his article: Many times I have come across seemingly hopeless situations where a program when compiled and installed in GNU/Linux just fails to run. In…

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About The WordPress Plugins

I write this post as a reply to all those who have emailed me the last 2-3 months about the WordPress plugins that are available on this web site. I really appreciate your feedback. Many of your suggestions have been great, but there seem to be some problems, which I outline below:

More On cElementTree

These pages seem to have all the info someone would need in order to use the Python cElementTree module: The cElementTree Module ElementTree Overview From the benchmark results it is quite clear that this is the fastest XML data parser! PS: I haven’t managed yet to even test it by parsing my own RSS feed…

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Write A Man Page

Some links about how to write a man page: Writing man-pages THE LINUX MAN-PAGE-HOWTO Last, but not least: # man 7 groff_man This man page contains all the macros that can be used in a manual page.

Threads In Python

One of the best articles I have read so far about implementing threading support into Python scripts is one that was published over a year ago at the Linux Gazette. I found this document extremely informative and has helped me much: Krishna G Pai writes in his article: When programming, in any language, the capability…

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GUIs For Python Programs

Two months ago, I decided to start learning Python. Although I have spent a significant amount of time with it, I still discover very interesting things I would like to spend even more time with. Here are some links, which I believe could help someone to get started quickly with pyGTK and Glade: PyGTK 2.0…

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