Things change rapidly in the Open-Source Software scene and, consequently, all support documentation, guides, tutorials etc need to be adapted to the new features of the software as well. I have started going through all the howto articles I’ve written about Linux during the last 3 years and perform regular document maintenance tasks, like checking whether the software involved is still the de facto solution for the particular purpose the article was written for or whether new methodology is required in order to achieve the task the article deals with. By convention, these changes will be documented in as much detail as required for understanding which parts of the methodology have changed and this summary will be appended to the end of each document in a new section called “Changes“. The first document that has been corrected is the one that describes How to create RPMs in Fedora.
Documents Need Maintenance too by George Notaras is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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