Mailing List Manager

If you are looking for a lean, mean mailing list manager (MLM), look no further. The software you are looking for is called: the Minimalist. Despite the fact that the Minimalist is just a Perl script with a filesize of 70Kb, it is a full featured MLM which will satisfy almost all users. Do not…

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Next time, come prepared

I had no idea that at the time I was adding a mailing-list manager in the list of software that constitute the infrastructure of the CodeTRAX facility, I also added a factor that would cause serious delay in the preparation of the whole project. But, mailing lists are a mandatory feature of the facility’s notification…

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Introducing codeTRAX

A few months ago, I had decided to set up a separate website to host all the software projects, scripts, plugins, other bigger projects, that G-Loaded has released. Today, I announce the public availability of codeTRAX, a private, experimental project hosting service. CodeTRAX is work in progress. One of the major delays in the preparation…

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